
Video on Impact of covid on Animals



  Basics : Small mammals like rabbits, mice, gerbils, and Guinea pigs are great options for people who are bringing a pet into a  home with young children . These types of animals don’t require owners to invest as much time and money as they would if they were bringing home dog or cat. That said, small mammals still require proper care and attention. You’ll first want to purchase a cage that meets your pet’s needs. Everything from the size to the accessories will depend on the animal. Some small mammals benefit from an exercise wheel, particularly hamsters. Chew toys are also a must to keep your critter from gnawing on their food bowls or cage. Fruits, vegetables, and pellets are common foods for small mammals, but make sure you research what type of diet is most appropriate for your pet.  Nutritional needs can vary  among small mammals more than you might expect. You should also reach out to your veterinarian with any questions. Veterinary care : Like all the other animals we’ve discu


  Basics : Reptiles and amphibians are separate classes of animals, but are collectively known as herptiles. These cold-blooded creatures need habitats with heating elements to ensure proper temperature regulation. Do some research on your specific pet to choose the most appropriate type of terrarium habitat. Though some herptiles will happily chomp away on commercial pet food, many  require fresher fare . This could include fruits, veggies, insects, and small rodents. Snakes, for example, often eat chicks and mice. Ask your local pet store about what they have available and be sure to research your pet’s specific nutritional needs. Like fish, reptiles and amphibians need to have their habitats  cleaned regularly . You’ll want to do some daily maintenance, such as removing uneaten food and wiping up spills, plus a more thorough weekly cleaning. It’s a good idea to have a second terrarium on hand to make sure your pet is safe while you clean. Veterinary care : Though some mixed-animal v


  Basics : Fish are easier to care for than many animals in some ways, but there are some specifics you might not know. For example,  PetMD  points out fish don’t understand when to stop eating since they lack stomachs. This means you need to be careful to avoid overfeeding. As for the type of food, most commercial pellets and flakes are designed to meet a fish’s nutritional requirements. The actual tank can be as simple or deluxe as you wish as long as you have water, a filter, and a heating system. You’ll also need to  clean the tank  as needed, regularly replace a portion of the water, and maintain a safe pH level. It’s also worth mentioning saltwater fish aquariums require some additional equipment and maintenance, so you might want to start with freshwater fish. Veterinary care : Fish might not need as much veterinary care as other animals, but they can become sick just like any other creature. Loss of appetite and changes in behavior or appearance signal it’s time to schedule an


  Basics : Properly caring for a bird is a little more involved than a new owner might expect, especially when it comes to socialization. The  Association of Avian Veterinarians  (AAV) says it’s a good idea to keep the bird cage in an area where a lot of family activities take place and make human interaction a regular part of your bird’s routine. Be sure to purchase a supply of toys, perches, and some sort of cage liner paper. Birds also need access to water for bathing. Some simply take care of it themselves when granted access to a bath, but you may need to provide regular misting to encourage self-cleaning. Spend some time thinking about your home environment and your bird’s needs when determining whether you should clip their wings. A house with lots of windows and ceiling fans likely isn’t safe enough for your pet to fly freely. On the other hand, some birds may  need more exercise  to maintain a healthy weight. Feeding birds is generally pretty easy since they’re natural grazers

Veterinary care

Every puppy should have their first visit to the veterinarian when they’re around three weeks old. You should expect a physical exam and testing for worms. This is also a good time to have a discussion about vaccinations and determining when to spay or neuter. These reproductive surgical procedures can be done  as early as eight weeks old . Newly adopted older dogs will have a similar first vet visit. Make sure you bring along any available health records. Many pets adopted from shelters lack a complete health history, so schedule your visit sooner rather than later. After a final round of vaccinations around four months of age, you’ll want to take your pup in for an annual check-up. Also make sure to look out for signs of health issues that may require immediate attention. Weight loss, changes in behavior, and lack of energy are all signs something might be wrong.